Indianapolis Wedding Photography | Hailey & Kyle | Bash

Hailey & Kyle

June 18th, 2022

Coxhill Gardens & Bash 

We love the relationships we build with Families and when that turns into multiple Weddings we're 100% in!  I remember shooting pictures of Hailey & Kyle at Sara & Eric's Wedding.  I remember watching them dance and the multiple conversations with people who said "They're next!"  While the connection slipped my mind during their Snowy Engagement Session, it was so great to see everyone on the Wedding Day and both reconnect and meet new members of the family!

We had a great day getting ready at Coxhill Mansion.  My understanding is that it was a special opportunity not granted to many and so we took the opportunity to shoot in as many places as we could!  We LOVE old things and the Mansion was Awesome!

The rest of the day was just a great party!  From an amazing Alfa Romeo Sports Car to one of the most Unique Bride Designed Two-Piece Wedding Dresses we've ever seen, this wedding day kept giving and given us great shots!

Thanks to Everyone for helping us make great pictures and we're super grateful for the Second Wedding with your Families!  Here's a collection of some of our Fav Pictures.  Lots more coming in just a few weeks!



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