Ft Wayne Wedding Photography | Jordan & Corey | The Paper Mill on the Landing

Jordan & Corey

October 21st, 2022

The Paper Mill on the Landing

I don't even really know where to start because... well... it started just a few days after she was born and my heart for this precious Bride has done nothing but grown and grown over the years.  Most of the time, as photographers we don't really want to shoot Family Weddings because we want to be present and celebrate with everyone but I'll be honest, I would have been totally bummed if Jordan hadn't asked me to shoot her Wedding.  I care so much about how her pictures turn out, it would have been difficult to watch someone else shoot the day!

So... that out of the way.  I've known her Mom since the day she was born and this day was such a beautiful celebration of all the things a Family walks through as we grow!  We couldn't have asked for a more amazing venue, weather, friends and family and of course Jordan and Corey were perfect!  Absolutely Perfect!

Y'all... she wore a Black Wedding Dress and it was Stunning!!!  They didn't do most of the normal wedding day things and we didn't miss them at all.  What we did do was honor lives and hearts and service and persistence and the blood, sweat and tears that it takes to raise two kids from childhood to married adults and just about everyone who's been meaningful to them both were with us Celebrating!

I could go on and on talking about the day but the pictures will tell a much better story.  This is a collection of some of our most Favorite shots from the day and there's lots and lots more coming in just a few weeks.

Jordan & Corey Thank You!  We LOVED every moment of Your Day!


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